> FLOWing with John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods Market and co-founder of FLOW.

> Link to Articles by Michael Strong, CEO & Chief Visionary Officer of FLOW.

>Integral Business - Excerpts from a conversation between John Mackey & Ken Wilber.

>Download a summary of Working for Good-2: Peace Through Commerce

>We invite you to enter the Working for Good BUSINESS PLAN COMPETITION.



FLOW Newsletter Archive

Newsletter: June 2006

It is amazing to be at the beginning of June already. We are certainly moving at the speed of flow. May was another full and fruitful one for FLOW. The Working for Good video conferences were a great success: wonderfully received and sowing many good seeds. We appreciate the efforts of all involved. You can continue to view the webcasts , including a great presentation by FLOW co-founder John Mackey on creating a new business paradigm.

We are using the Working for Good program to introduce core FLOW ideas and strategies progressively over time, introducing a new theme every six months, as follows:

  1. Liberating the Entrepreneurial Spirit for Good
  2. Peace through Commerce
  3. Alleviating Poverty through an Open World
  4. Liberating Markets in Happiness and Well-Being
  5. Sustainability and Economic Growth
  6. Towards a Life of Flow for All

Each season's campaign will introduce a new aspect of the FLOW movement and a different "window" into addressing the challenges and opportunities facing humanity through entrepreneurial solutions. By the end of the next two years, we intend to have articulated a comprehensive, integrated FLOW vision.

While "curriculum" and "video conference" do not typically stir the imagination, we are finding that the FLOW vision and related content is resonating with a quickly growing audience of people hungry for positive, inclusive, and integrated approaches to life.

Here is a sampling of the responses we have received to date:

"The last two days have been remarkable. The opportunity to interface with successful entrepreneurs such as Michael, John, Brian and Kartar has enabled the message to hit home for the students. They are getting the fact that building a conscious and successful enterprise is attainable.... I look forward to working together to develop and grow further in this endeavor."

With gratitude,
Sada Anand, headmistress, Miri Piri Academy, Amritsar, India

"Working for Good comes very close to "The Answer" to many of the world's challenges and as you'll see below to stoking the entrepreneurial fire. I really enjoyed, no gobbled up, the material -- I thought it was great and highly validating!"

Tom, entrepreneur, Austin, Texas

"Going through working for good curriculum i can see the basic life requirement, if every inhabitant of this planet can read, understand, meditate and act on the instruction contain there in, i believe we will not have a single poor on the face of the earth. I am still digesting the information and I believe it will create a great awakening for me thanks a million you are doing a great job with unfathomable impact please ride on improving the lot of our society."

Olukunle Alabetutu, Lagos, Nigeria

"I'm coming face to face with many of my shadows. The main one: a fear of doing something great. I talk all about how I want to save the world, change the world, etc, but when I actually look at how all my internal chatter goes, I believe I can't. I KNOW I can. I just don't "believe" it. The great thing about shadows, though, is that all you have to do to solve them is shine some light on them. And read more of the Working for Good curriculum."

Dave Darmon, 18 year old blogger, Pennsylvania

We are already receiving great interest in our Peace through Commerce program for the fall, and are planning events in September in Washington, DC, New York, and Austin. We welcome collaborators and collaboration on the program. if you are interested in working with us in some way on this or any other program.

As you will note on the FLOW home page this month, we have produced a new FLOW brochure, which you can download from the home page or email us to request printed copies to distribute to others. The member platform this month by Tom Munnecke, Executive Director of the Uplift Academy, is entitled "How Can We Help 6 Billion People Help Each Other Help Themselves?" You will also find good links to inspiring stories, and references to two good, new books by friends of FLOW.

Please forward this newsletter and any other FLOW materials to your friends, of all walks of life, cultures, and political persuasions, and let us know what responses you get. We know it takes broad dialogue and collaboration, across all ideas and ideologies, to create the positive future we envision and aspire to. We thank you for your ongoing commitment to working for good.

Yours in FLOW,

Michael Strong, CEO & Chief Visionary Officer

P.S. FLOW is above all a forum of free exchange for its members in the quest for sustainable peace, prosperity, and happiness. We welcome your feedback to the content of this newsletter and all FLOW activities and publications. Please send your thoughts to .

P.P.S. Please join one of our five themed discussion groups, and participate in our active and growing community, at www.flowrealism.org or www.flowidealism.org (FLOW, where idealism and realism both lead to the same place).








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