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How do we more rapidly open the world – fostering a greater flow of information and resources – and provide the institutional infrastructure so that there are no more impoverished regions on Earth, allowing the world’s 4 billion poorest people to achieve a decent standard of living?
- Vernon Smith, “Human Betterment Through Globalization,” a great short introduction to the subject from the 2002 Nobel Laureate in Economics. Audio
Economic Freedom of the World Index ranks nations based on an economic freedom index and shows the extraordinary correlations between economic freedom and a variety of measures of human well-being.
Oxfam: a wide variety of materials on ending global poverty, currently leading an initiative to end agricultural subsidies in the developed world.
Ethical Globalization Initiative:encourages globalization from a human rights perspective, with an emphasis on trade, migration, and HIV issues.
The Democratic Peace: data on the peaceful implications of a democratic world, including a comprehensive analysis for and against the thesis that two democracies do not fight wars.
The Global Prosperity Initiative: A think tank focusing on the use of entrepreneurs and markets as a means of alleviating global poverty.
- Sarah McLachlin, "World on Fire," a powerful music video reminding us of the good that can be done in the developing world by very small dollar amounts,communicated by means of integrity and personal example rather than anger, hatred, or aggression. Watch it and then go to GlobalGiving, or start an Open World entrepreneurial project.
- Benjamin Friedman, . Detailed historical data on how economic growth results in humane values and economic stagnation and decline lead to social, political, and military conflict.
- Hernando de Soto, How the poor desperately need property rights and decreased regulation in order for the “dead capital” they possess to become valuable “live capital.”
- Mohammad Yunus, . The father of microfinance provides an inspiring and informative account of the origin of the microfinance movement.
- C. K. Prahalad, Calls attention to the vast marketing opportunities among the poor, and how to get the products they need to them.
- Johan Norberg, . Tthe benefits of globalization described clearly and eloquently.
In addition to the information presented above, we encourage you to examine the Open World Sustainability Initiative presented below. Open World presents a vision of on-line entrepreneurial opportunities in which developed world entrepreneurs can partner with developing world entrepreneurs to launch business while create global peace, prosperity, and well-being. We encourage the development of such businesses.
Open World Sustainability Initiative
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