> FLOW congratulates Muhammad Yunus and Grameen Bank for being honored with the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize. This is a great moment for all and a significant validation of the power of commerce to promote peace.

>Join us for Peace Through Commerce in Austin, TX on October 28th.

> FLOWing with John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods Market and co-founder of FLOW.

> Link to Articles by Michael Strong, CEO & Chief Visionary Officer of FLOW.





We have just moved our discussion forums to a new platform. We will soon be changing the description on this page to reflect changes in the forums. Follow this link for more information and a link to the FLOW "Pod" and Forums at Zaadz.com.

Flow Theory, Practice, and Vision

Based on member article of the month:  How do we work together to make Flow a more effective global movement that moves more rapidly towards sustainable peace, prosperity, and happiness for all?


  1. Frederick Turner, “Make Everybody Rich,” a slightly tongue-in-cheek article by the poet Frederick Turner who makes the point that, if we encourage economic growth, we thereby eliminate “war, the environment, education, health, crime, women’s rights, unemployment, the oppression of the poor, racism, xenophobia, restrictions on political liberty, the decline of religious spirituality, various crises in the arts, lack of support for scientific research and the space program, and overpopulation.”
  2. Candace Allen, “Entrepreneur as Hero,” understanding the process of entrepreneurship as a heroic quest using the archetypic framework described by Joseph Campbell.
  3. Mary Ruwart, Healing Our World, a free download of her classic work on how a world founded on non-violence will be a safer, healthier, happier world.
  4. R.W. Emerson, "Self-Reliance," the classic American essay on how to develop one's own voice, how to be true to oneself, "To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men, ˜ that is genius."
  5. Explorers Foundation: " We believe that enterprise devoted to finding, inventing, presenting, and distributing tools for explorers will change the world," a remarkable set of links that will provide FLOW explorers with useful tools for changing the world.
  6. Vision In Action: "a driving force behind the movement to restore wholeness and balance to a divided world through creative, integral thinking in the areas of personal integrity, business accountability, science, the arts and social endeavors," founded by the Zen philosopher Yasuhiko Kimura.


  1. Napolean Hill, . Despite the title, from a more innocent time, this is a classic text on how to develop a vision and put it into action, regardless of the nature of the enterprise being created.
  2. Gary Hoover, . Quite literally how to become a more original thinker in order to identify great business opportunities.
  3. Peter Drucker, . The classic book on how to systematically develop more innovative approaches to the creation of enterprises.
  4. F.A. Hayek, “The Creative Powers of a Free Civilization,” in Felix Morley, editor, . Hayek explains how, just as freedom of speech is crucial in order to discover new knowledge, freedom of action is crucial to discover new ways of doing things.
  5. Joel Mokyr, . Adescription of how economic growth is largely a matter of tinkerers making incremental improvements within a Smithian framework.
  6. Arthur Herman, . Despite the over-hyped title, this is an amazing story of the meme of the Scottish Enlightenment (the original British title of this work) did substantially cause the Industrial Revolution (David Hume, Adam Smith, and James Watt all shared distinctively Scottish Enlightenment ways of thinking) and much of the most successful economic development since then (including the American founding and 19th century success and 19th century British liberalism).
  7. Daniel Boorstin, and . A series of short biographies (each is less about ten pages long) covering many of the most amazing discoverers and creators in history, incredibly inspiring and reminding one of how bit-by-bit our entire world was created by new initiatives that resulted in entirely new ways of seeing and experiencing the world.



In addition to the information presented above, we encourage you to examine the article presented below.

  • Perceptual Salience and the Creative Powers of a Free Civilization

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