> FLOW congratulates Muhammad Yunus and Grameen Bank for being honored with the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize. This is a great moment for all and a significant validation of the power of commerce to promote peace.

>Join us for Peace Through Commerce in Austin, TX on October 28th.

> FLOWing with John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods Market and co-founder of FLOW.

> Link to Articles by Michael Strong, CEO & Chief Visionary Officer of FLOW.




Connect with a Project

FLOW does not endorse or participate in projects directly. However, we do encourage people to become involved in entrepreneurial and charitable endeavors that are consistent with FLOW principles: Non-initiation of violence or coercion, a commitment to human flourishing, and radical tolerance. Below are some projects that we believe substantially adhere to these principles. We welcome additional suggestions as well as critiques of our selections.

GlobalGiving connects individual and institutional donors to social entrepreneurs and their social, environmental, and economic development projects around the world.


Asset creation for grassroots initiatives.

E.G. West Centre is dedicated to understanding the role of choice, competition and entrepreneurship in the delivery of "Education for All."

The Montessori Foundation inspires and supports the development of strong, successful Montessori schools around the world.

A seamlessly integrated combination of voluntary service to a destination and the best, traditional elements of travel—arts, culture, geography, and history—in that destination.






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