
Michael Strong is a pioneer in education and independent learning. He is an author and the founder of innovative Socratic, Montessori and Paideia programs in Alaska, California, Texas and New Mexico. Michael is co-founder and serves as Chief Executive Officer and Chief Visionary Officer of FLOW.
As Chief Visionary Officer of FLOW, Michael is responsible for articulating the FLOW vision and for applying it in various domains. Fortunately for FLOW, Michael is a prolific thinker and writer. His work is increasingly receiving significant recognition and support. Current articles by Michael are regularly posted at FreeLiberal.com and Tech Central Station, as well as on the FLOW web site.
Following is a list of current articles by Michael Strong with links to download or access them on web pages. Michael is also an active participant in FLOW discussion groups and responds enthusiastically to inquiries and respectful challenges.
Global Peace and Poverty Alleviation
Understanding the Power of Economic Freedom to Create Peace
Prediction Markets & World Peace
Developing a New Standard of Social Justice
A Million Paths to Peace
Forget the World Bank, Try Wal-Mart
FLOW Theory and Vision
K-12 Education
The Creation of Conscious Culture Through Educational Innovation
A Tale of Two Charter Schools
Engagement: The First Three Days in an Inner City Classroom
The Dyson Vacuum Cleaner and Educational Innovation
The Opportunity Cost of Obsolete Beliefs in Academia
Black Flight (Taking Black Flight from Our Public Schools Seriously)
Why We Don't Have A Silicon Valley of Education on Edspresso.com
Legalizing Markets in Happiness and Well-being on Edspresso.com
School Choice and Adolescence in America on RealClearPolitics.com
How to Avoid Wasting $60 Billion in K-12 Educational Philanthropy
- Why Do We Have Better Product Information on Sports Cars than We Do on Schools?
- See also The Habit of Thought: From Socratic Seminars to Socratic Practice, available from New View Publications
Flow Entrepreneurship
A Tale of Two Idealists
The Opportunity: The Creative Powers of a Free Civilization
A Tale of Two Charter Schools
The Dyson Vacuum Cleaner and Educational Innovation
Helping the U.S. Poor
Empowering the Marginalized
Getting Serious About Helping the U.S. Poor
Black Flight (Taking Black Flight from Our Public Schools Seriously)
School Choice and Adolescence in America on RealClearPolitics.com
Legalizing Markets in Happiness and Well-Being
Public Choice Theory and Liberating Markets in Happiness and Well-being
Legalizing Markets in Happiness and Well-being on Edspresso.com
Prediction Markets
Put Your Money Where Your Theory Is
Prediction Markets & World Peace
How to Avoid Wasting $60 Billion in K-12 Educational Philanthropy
The Opportunity Cost of Obsolete Beliefs in Academia
Put Your Money Where Your Theory Is
A Million Paths to Peace